
Biblical Naturopathic Consultations

Private consultations for your holistic health as a mom on your way to becoming saved, healed, and made whole

Even if you're exhausted, overwhelmed, and on a budget

Three Main Areas of Focus

Women's Health

Whether you are an aspiring mom with infertility, anywhere along the pregnancy and postpartum journey, or struggling with hormone Imbalance and painful periods in daily life, health matters, not only for your healing but also the health of your child.


 Traumatic events from your past or even trauma you inherited from ancestors or absorbed from other around you can influence your health and body's ability to heal itself. Many pain, chronic health and autoimmune issues are trauma-related.

Spiritual Health

Health in spirit and emotions is often the root cause of many physical health issues. This is a deeper level of healing that is often overlooked or unrecognized by other health practitioners and makes true healing very hard to attain.

*While these are my specialties, your health concerns do not necessarily need to be limited to these areas, as my techniques are applicable to many different health concerns. Book a FREE Discovery Call below for questions about whether we would be a good match and if not, I will do my best to refer you to a practitioner better suited for your needs

"My sessions with Cayla have been


"My sessions with Cayla have been life-changing, honestly. If you want to receive the full blessing, you must believe in your heart and soul that it is going to happen and it will!"

Andrea M.

"I can now say I'm pain free and my comfort level is back to normal. I strongly recommend her as she has exceeded my expectations."

Emilie A.

Are you a natural-minded mom looking for holistic solutions to your health issues?

You want the best natural options for your health and you are not afraid of putting in the commitment it takes to be saved, healed and made whole.

The only thing is healing by yourself is hard, or even sometimes down-right impossible!

Health is so complex, research can be very time-consuming and contradictory, and everyone has their own blind spots when it comes to their health.

Healing using holistic methods can feel completely overwhelming, I get it! Especially when you've already tried consulting Dr. Google and your holistic Facebook group and there's too much information to sift through on your own.

I can relate, because that's how I started out on my own healing journey and I see many clients doing the same thing before they come into my space.

Hi, I'm Cayla!

I am a biblical naturopathic doctor and a mom of two littles. What started out as desperately trying to stop my own body from falling apart turned into a passion to help others!

I specialize in health for moms, which can include everything from fertility, pregnancy, postpartum recovery, as well as general day-to-day "mom health." This can mean fatigue, trauma healing, stress management, nervous system dysregulation, body misalignments and imbalances (often shows up first as more minor health issues like painful periods, back pain or headaches), and many more health issues moms deal with on a daily basis.

And as a mom myself, I can tell you firsthand that maintaining your own health while taking care of your family is not easy! Even with my certifications in clinical nutrition and herbalism, aromatherapy, craniosacral fascial therapy, Emotion Code and training on many other subjects such as sclerology, muscle testing, and more, it still takes a conscious effort to work on my own health and healing. To be honest, I don't do it alone either! I have my own support system of other holistic health practitioners that help me on my own health journey.

The more I put into my own healing, the more I learn new ways to pass on that healing to others! I've been so grateful to partner with many other moms and their families in healing. It's a joy to see other moms feeling new life, new energy, less pain, more joy, and moving further on their way to being saved, healed, and made whole. And I can't wait to see the healing and new life you experience!

Because here's what happens when you put your health first:

You'll make it through the day with more energy and not spiral under the daily stresses of mom-life

You'll feel good in your own mind, body and spirit because you've found peace and rest

You'll feel alive with new life after you've cleared out old toxins, traumas, and chronic illness so you can spend your days feeling like a weight has been lifted off you

I absolutely believe all these things are possible for you, Mama, and here's how you can get it...

The REVIVE Process

Step 1: Contact me to schedule your initial consultation. Each session is $100 for 1 hour, and your initial session includes a complementary extra 15 minutes for intake questions. In person or virtual sessions are available. For in person sessions I have a space at 431 W Chestnut Ave, Monrovia CA 91016. Virtual sessions meet using Doxy, which is a secure telehealth platform, and a simple link (on any device with a mic and camera) is all that is needed to access the session.

Step 2: In your initial session we will discuss your health history, what symptoms you are currently experiencing, and your health goals. We can also discuss any other concerns you may have like time or budget constraints. I believe your wellness plan should be a collaborative effort, with your preferences in mind.

Step 3: After praying and surrendering the session to God, I will use a technique called muscle testing to determine what in your mind, body and spirit is misaligned or imbalanced. We will remove toxins, trapped emotions, limiting beliefs, and other things that are blocking healing. Any organs or systems that are out of balance will get realigned so they function exactly the way they should be. I may also make recommendations involving healing foods and herbs, aromatherapy, lifestyle adjustments, spiritual development, movement, mindfulness and breath work that will speed up the healing process. 

All recommendations are personalized to you, using muscle testing and taking your feedback into consideration. 

Step 4: After your initial session, following sessions may be scheduled as needed based on what optimizes your wellness plan, on average every 2-4 weeks.

**I only take a limited number of sessions each month, so book your first session before spaces fill up!

"Cayla literally is an angel working in my life!"

Liza F.

"Cayla was amazing as she took me through the sessions. She was so gentle with me through the process. It allowed me to be so open with her so we could go deep into the core of these feelings and remove what has been subconsciously blocking me for many years from having an authentic and loving relationship, most especially with myself. It allowed me to go fully into my mission to help serve others. Thank you, Cayla, for the life changing experience."

Jamie V.

"I began working with Cayla and through her love, emailing, texting, and most importantly her faith in God, whom I am certain led her into my life for a true and meaningful purpose. She literally is an angel working in my life. Her professional educational background and genuine caring ways brought my motivation and self-esteem back, a reason to keep fighting! Cayla is a miracle sent from our heavens above and has touched my mind, body, and soul. We love you dearly!"

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Still have a few questions?

You might find the answers in these FAQs!

And if you still have any lingering questions after that, you're welcome to book a free Discovery Call below!

What is a biblical naturopathic doctor?

If you are naturally-minded, you may already be familiar with a naturopathic doctor who uses natural, holistic solutions for health issues. These may include herbs, supplements, physical exercise, lifestyle changes, removing environmental toxins/detoxification, etc. 

While I do make recommendations for physical support using holistic techniques, I believe that the root causes of health issues go much deeper than just the physical. There are mental, emotional, and spiritual root causes as well. I also include recommendations for mindset shifts, removing trapped emotions and other energetic misalignments/imbalances, spiritual disciplines and development, etc.

Approaching health from a mind, body, AND spirit perspective means a higher chance of finding true and lasting healing.

How can I be sure I'm ready for this service?

This service is definitely for you if you are:

-Naturally-minded and prefer to use holistic methods of healing whenever possible

-Female, although many of my clients are moms, it is not a requirement. However, it is generally my personal preference to work with women and women's health is my specialty

-Spiritual (may or may not be religious) and recognize that a Higher Power of your own understanding wants you to be saved, healed and made whole. As well as being willing to surrender the healing process to your Higher Power

-Willing to commit to the healing process and take ownership over the changes in mind, body and spirit that need to take place in order for healing to happen (although you won't be doing the healing alone and you will have my support through the whole process)

-You have health issues in mind, body, and/or spirit that are affecting your quality of life and you're tired of experiencing the physical, emotional or spiritual pain. You're ready to do what it takes to find new peace, energy, and new life

How many sessions will I need?

Some minor health issues can be resolved in 1-2 sessions. Moderate health issues may take 3-5 sessions and significant health issues will usually take longer. Although your personal commitment to the healing process is the most important determiner of how long it takes. There's only so much support I can give to someone who is not willing or ready to make changes to their life.

How much does a session cost?

Each session is $100 for one hour. I charge equally for my time and not for the specific service provided, so you are not restricted by price with the services you need.

What is muscle testing?

Muscle testing is also known by many other names, such as applied kinesiology, muscle response testing, contact reflex analysis, Touch for Health, and many others. It is used by many chiropractors, naturopathic doctors, and other holistic health professionals. It is a simple way to figure out what is happening in the body using the body's bio-electrical feedback system. The body is made up of atoms and atoms have an electrical charge. This electrical charge is used for the body to function in many ways, like the heart beating, brain neurons firing, and other electrical reactions. Our bodies are about 70% water, which is used to conduct electricity. And muscle testing uses this electrical system to get responses from the body.

Muscles will give either a weak or strong response (or true or false) based on the questions that are asked. This is similar to the way the body responds in a lie detector test. By asking the right questions and getting a true or false response, we can identify organ and structural weakness, food sensitivities, toxins, nutritional needs, trapped emotions, and other things before removing or realigning them.

Many practitioners will muscle test directly on the client, having them hold their arm out straight and pushing on it. If the arm locks and stays strong, this indicates a yes or truth response. If the arm goes weak, it indicates a no or false response. However, because many of my clients are babies, small children, and virtual clients, I am not able to test on them and I use myself as a proxy to test on instead. Please see the questions below for more details on how this works!

How is it possible to use yourself as a proxy for muscle testing during sessions, especially during virtual sessions?

Many practitioners who use muscle testing will test on the individual, but my personal preference is to use myself as a proxy, or stand-in. This is necessary in a virtual session or for testing on babies/small children, but there are still many reasons why I prefer to do it during in-person sessions as well. 

Some people are not "testable" because of dehydration, spinal misalignments, reversed magnetic polarity, switching, arm injury, and other things. Besides that, it can be quite tiring for you to hold your arm out straight for such a long time! I am also very familiar with my own body's responses and can muscle test much quicker on myself, allowing me to spend more time focused on your healing. In my experience, because so many of my clients are not testable for any of the above reasons, it's just easier and more practical to default to testing on myself as a proxy.

Everyone has an aura of energy around their body; this is scientific and can be seen using Kirlian photography. When two people are in a room together, their electromagnetic energy fields overlap, allowing me to tap into your bio-electrical feedback system. Even in a virtual session, you may be on the other side of the world and I am still able to access your electromagnetic field. This is because we are surrounded by electromagnetic energy which connects us through the whole world, and I am able to be connected to you through that energy. I wasn't able to do this in the beginning, but it is a skill I have acquired through training and practice. 

What are trapped emotions?

Trapped emotions are concentrated energies that get stuck in the body. When we experience difficult or traumatic events, especially when the emotions are overwhelming, our bodies are not able to properly process the emotions and they become trapped.

Because trapped emotions are energetic and our bodies have an electrical system, trapped emotions can harm body tissues and cause physical discomfort. They can also cause emotional issues because we repeat those trapped emotions in new experiences and feel weighed down by them on a daily basis.Trapped emotions can make it harder for people to feel love and happiness. They can leave us disconnected from others and ourselves.

Removing trapped emotions takes the emotional weight off so the body has the freedom to heal itself physically. Emotional difficulties can disappear or become much more manageable. Many of my clients say they feel lighter, physically and emotionally.

What other things can be removed energetically?

There are many root causes that contribute to our health. There are physical things like pathogens and toxins that can be difficult to remove just with herbs or other natural remedies and can also be removed energetically. Organs or systems can also be misaligned and need to be adjusted energetically (similar to how a chiropractor realigns the bones). There are also energetic things that can cause health issues, like a negative intention from someone wishing you harm or a physical-emotional shock to the body from a traumatic experience.

Removing toxins or correcting imbalances may not be the only necessary course for healing and other methods or medical treatment may also be needed. But it does free the body by giving it the space to heal itself. Holistic or allopathic treatments become more effective when the emotional and spiritual root contributors are removed. Benefits may include: pain relief, organs functioning more efficiently, greater absorption of nutrients, higher energy levels, and emotional issues becoming more manageable or even nonexistent.

How do things like trapped emotions get removed and imbalances get realigned?

The power of prayer and healing intention combined with magnetic energy is used to remove and realign. The body has an electromagnetic system already, with a north and south pole just like a battery. Electromagnetic energy runs through meridians connected to the fascia system and reaches through the entire body. Magnetic energy running through the governing meridian will find what needs to be removed in the body and direct it to the detox pathways to be filtered out of the body. The governing meridian runs down the central nervous system and connects to the rest of the body through the meridian system so it's a quick and simple way to reach anywhere in the body. 

During our session, after I have muscle tested to identify what needs to be removed/realigned, I will run my hand with magnetic energy over your head and down your spine several times, accessing the governing meridian, while saying my prayer and healing intention to direct the magnetic energy where it needs to go. I will also give you suggestions for things you can visualize or think about that will help with the removal process but you are also welcome to say your own prayer, run your own hand down the governing meridian, or anything else that helps with your own healing intention (which makes the process more effective).

I will muscle test again to check that we successfully removed/realigned what was identified (it is only in rare situations where it doesn't, so this is just a precaution), although it will take a few days for the process to be fully completed. Please see the question below for what you can expect to feel in the days following a session as this process is working.

What can I expect in the days following a session?

Everyone responds differently, and in working on myself I have found myself to respond differently depending on what gets removed. It's impossible to anticipate exactly what you will feel but many things are normal. However, nothing should feel overwhelming to you. If for some reason you are experiencing extreme symptoms after a session, please contact me so I can advise.

These are some examples of things you may feel after a session: You may feel more energized and happy, like a weight has been lifted off you and you feel lighter. You may feel very tired and your body may even need extra rest or sleep. You may feel a need to cry, journal, dance, exercise, or do other things to help yourself release emotions. Whatever comes up for you, I encourage you to listen to and honour your needs as much as possible. Giving our body what it needs allows us to heal, because when we shut back down again it reverses some or all of the healing process that we did during the session.

It generally takes a few days for your body to fully process what's been worked on during the session. But you may need 2-3 more weeks before your next session because healing too fast can be too overwhelming for the body and it's most effective to allow some time to take a break and reset in between sessions.

How long until I see results?

It generally takes a few days for everything worked on during a session to be processed, but you may start to see the beginning of results right away. Most of what I do is clearing things out, which creates space for new life, habits, emotions and behaviour. So you may continue to see new results come out of our sessions for weeks to come because of what you're able to add to your life because of it!

Do I need to do anything in particular after a session?

The energetic process of removing trapped emotions and other things from your body should happen on its own, but staying hydrated and a moderate amount of physical activity can also help support the process. Listening to your body's needs is important as well, please see the above question for more details. I may have also made some recommendations for physical support during our session, like herbs, exercises, lifestyle changes, etc. Your commitment to these changes will help determine the speed and quality of your healing.

You call yourself a biblical naturopathic doctor but I thought energetic healing was New Age?

I have heard this concern from others and I can understand the response based on everything I was taught growing up in church. My belief is that the church tells us to avoid certain things because of their potential to be misused, so it's just a lot easier to tell people to stay away from something entirely than to get into each little nuance of exactly what is and is not safe. Just like how you may tell your children to stay out of a particular room even if there are only a few unsafe things there.

The truth is that God is the creator of things like herbs, crystals, meridians, essential oils, auras and other things. He created them with power and that power can be used for healing, but it can also just as easily be used for darker purposes. Just like a knife is only a simple tool with raw power, it becomes dangerous in the hands of a criminal and it can also be equally dangerous in the hands of a toddler or someone else who does not have the proper knowledge and experience to handle a knife safely. However, a knife is not evil by itself. A knife in the hands of a trained chef can create a delicious meal and a knife (scalpel) in the hands of a trained doctor can save a life.

You may be surprised to know that there are references to herbs, essential oils, crystals, and other natural healing techniques in the Bible! And Hildegard von Bingen was a medieval Christian mystic and an officially recognized Doctor of the Church who was given prophetic visions from God for how to heal people using nutrition, crystals, prayer, lymphatic drainage, spinal alignments, and other techniques. Because of her instructions from God for how to heal people, she knew details about health and healing that were hundreds of years ahead of her time. To me, she is the original biblical naturopathic doctor! And I consider her to be the patron saint of my business.

Everything that I use in my practice has been very prayerfully considered between me and God, and I have put a lot of discernment into what I consider safe and in alignment with God's will for the work I do. I also open every session with prayer and, like Hildegard von Bingen, I believe God gives me intuitive recommendations for what each person needs during a session.

That being said, some techniques may be like the food offered to idols that Paul references in 1 Cor. 8–just fine for some people but others may prefer to avoid it. I respect everyone's own personal decision and I invite you to discern with God over anything that may make you feel uncomfortable.

I'm still feeling a little unsure and not quite positive what I think of all these things. What do you recommend?

I can understand that! I realize there are a few concepts you might be unfamiliar with and it's natural to wonder. If you have any follow up questions, you're welcome to bring them up during your session, contact me at,  or book a discovery call below and I'm happy to answer as best as I can.

On the other hand, although the people I see in sessions have a high success rate, I have noticed two common reasons why certain people don't see the results they are looking for after a session: 1) they are not willing to put in the effort to follow up with physical support, such as nutrition or herbal support and other lifestyle changes and 2) they are skeptical and closed-minded to the way God works through me and in their mind, body and spirit. Jesus even told several people in the Bible that "their faith had made them well" and I see faith/belief being an integral part of the process. Unfortunately, sometimes it does not matter how much faith I may have for you, if you believe something is not going to work then you will be right. This is why I try to explain the process as best as I can ahead of time and am happy to answer any questions to help support your faith.

Do you give refunds?

My top interest is in your healing, so if you are unsatisfied after your session I would prefer the opportunity to make it right first. However if you are still unsatisfied after that, please contact me at and we can discuss your refund.

Do you offer a more extended payment plan?

I firmly believe that holistic health should be accessible to everyone, regardless of budget. I'm happy to work with you any way I can to save you money on resources, buying supplements, etc. For some CFT sessions I am able to offer a super bill that you can take to your insurance.

If financial restrictions are affecting your health goals, please discuss this with me during your session and we will look for ways to make it work for you!

Do you accept insurance?

Unfortunately I'm not able to accept insurance. Insurance codes are too limited for most of the techniques I use, although for some craniosacral fascial sessions for babies, I can offer a super bill and your insurance company may accept it.

Still have more questions or concerns after going over the FAQs?

Book Your  FREE Discovery Call

I would be happy to chat through them with you and point you in the right direction!



(714) 386-8910

296 Allen Ave #3

Pasadena, CA 91106

Copyright © 2024. SOZO Holistic Healing

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