Refresh: A 30 Day Challenge for Holistic Moms

Hi Mama!

Do you ever feel like you want to hit the "refresh" button on your life?

Not that you necessarily want to change your life,

I'm sure you have a wonderful family and home.

But maybe something just feels a little stuck.

Maybe you're in a bit of a rut that's hard to get out of.

Maybe you don't have as much energy and motivation to be healthy as you wish you had.

Maybe you see all these great holistic health influencers on social media but aren't sure if you can live like them.

What would it be like if you DID hit that "refresh" button?

You would feel motivated and excited by your day

You would have the energy to knock out everything on your to-do list

You would feel empowered when you realize that holistic living IS attainable for you and not just the social media influencers

You would realize that the key to holistic living is being committed to making small steps every day toward positive changes

You would feel rejuvenated in mind, body, AND spirit, like a full cleanse for your life

You're a natural-minded mom who is doing her best to keep her family healthy

And you're doing great!

You deserve to have your health taken care of too.

That's why I created this challenge specifically for you, Mama.

To give you a little nudge out of that rut and get the momentum going in your holistic health journey.

So here's the challenge:

1 task per day, because slow progress is better than no progress and a holistic lifestyle shouldn't be overwhelming
30 consecutive days to get your momentum going and building positive habits
Challenges that focus on physical health to energize your body
Mental challenges that strengthen your mindset and increase your brain function
Challenges that nurture and uplift the spirit, because spiritual health is so frequently overlooked in holistic health

Are you up for the challenge?

This is probably the only TRULY holistic health challenge you will find!

One that doesn't just focus on the body, but also on the mind and spirit

Hi, I'm Cayla!

I'm a biblical naturopathic doctor and mom to 2 amazing littles.

I specialize in holistic health for moms and I'm so passionate about moms living their best life so they can show up every day for their families as their best selves.

And I know what it feels like to lose yourself a little in your family's daily routine, even as a holistic health professional it can be a struggle!

You don't have to do it alone. 

I got you, mama!



(714) 386-8910

296 Allen Ave #3

Pasadena, CA 91106

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