Sessions for Babies & Kids

Although my primary focus is moms, sometimes it's impossible to separate a mom's health and her baby's. They are part of a joined dyad, physically, mentally and emotionally. So I do also have some offerings for babies and kids!

As a mom, I want the best for my kids and to provide them with the safest and most effective solutions to their health issues--I'm sure every parent would say the same thing! And some parents get nervous with the typical Western medicine solutions, wondering how safe they truly are for their children. 

That's why I make sure my offerings are safe, gentle, and without any known side effects. They are the exact same solutions I use in my own home on a regular basis, that I trust for the health of my children.

Biblical Naturopathic Consultations

(Available in person or virtual)

For everything from acute to chronic illnesses, injury recovery, behavioural and emotional issues, I make assessments that target the root cause and are personalized to the individual child.

Examples may include:

Colds and flu

Eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions

Constipation, diarrhea, gas, colic, and other digestive issues

Tantrums and other behaviour issues

Earaches and ear infections

Nightmares, sleep disturbances, regressions, and other sleep issues


Depression, anxiety, and other emotional issues

Sprains, strains and broken bones (speeding recovery time only, not re-setting bones)

And more!

I do my best to keep recommendations as simple, easy and affordable for parents and children to manage. Depending on the age of the child and the health needs, I may make recommendations involving healing foods and herbs, correcting imbalances and misalignments in the body, clearing past emotional weight, aromatherapy, lifestyle adjustments, movement, mindfulness and breath work. After your initial meeting with me, following sessions may be scheduled based on what optimizes your wellness plan.

What Clients Say

"As a mom I want the best for my baby and I'm looking forward to more sessions with Cayla!

Angela O.

"I can tell a peacefulness about A-- today. She was calm and peaceful and she seems to be feeling really well. It was an awesome experience!"

Kelsey C.

Craniosacral Fascial Therapy 

(Only available in person, before baby starts crawling)

Craniosacral fascial therapy is a combination of craniosacral therapy and myofascial release. It is helpful for everyone but especially essential for babies. Fascia (connective tissue) easily gets damaged in utero, during birth, and in traumas postpartum like accidents, medical procedures, and even emotional distress. This tightens the area, which restricts circulation, movement, and function. Even in a birth that is smooth and seems uneventful, damage to the fascia may have happened in utero or unseen during the birth process. It doesn't unwind on its own and needs bodywork to release.

During the hour session, baby lies fully clothed on a massage table. The pressure of the fascia release is very gentle, lighter than a massage, with some lifting of body areas. There is no adjustment, rubbing, or manipulation like in massage or chiropractic care.

What More Clients Say

Cayla has magic hands! She helped my little one go from a crying baby to a smiling baby. He used to cry and fuss a lot, and slept very little. After coming to Cayla he totally became a different baby. Now he loves to smile and sleeps very well!"

Kelly D.

"I've noticed a peace in [daughter]. I already see her sitting differently in her carseat. Her body is also straightening out more."

Jeannette S.

Common Benefits of CFT for Babies

  • Less painful breastfeeding for mom and better latch/suck/swallow for baby
  • Less developmental delays
  • Helps colic, gas, constipation and other digestive issues
  • Helps prevent or correct head shape irregularities
  • Helps improve face and body symmetry, like torticollis or a recessed chin
  • Better sleep quality
  • More peaceful baby (for babies that seem to always cry when put down or constantly want to nurse)
  • Faster recovery from medical interventions and surgery
  • And more!

At the moment, I am only offering this therapy for babies, starting from the first day of life until they are crawling. Once they are crawling it is no longer safe to do bodywork on a massage table so I have this cut-off at the moment until I have a safe space for working on older babies and children (however I have other practices that may be an option for your child if they have exceeded the cut off).

Joint bodywork sessions are available in collaboration with Fertile Hands! Baby gets CFT with me while mom gets an Arvigo postpartum and lymphatic massage with Rosa (send me an email to and I will assist you with booking).

Home visit sessions for newborns are also available for an extra charge (limited to a certain radius from my location). Ask me for more details!

Book Your Discovery Call

And find out how you can be saved, healed and made whole!



(714) 386-8910

296 Allen Ave #3

Pasadena, CA 91106

Copyright © 2024. SOZO Holistic Healing

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