About Me

Empowering Moms to be Saved, Healed and

Made Whole

In Mind, Body and Spirit

It all started years ago when I got very sick...

I had so many health conditions that many women can relate to: painful periods, fatigue, hormone imbalance/PCOS, hypothyroidism, headaches, toxic overload, depression, anxiety, leaky gut, food sensitivities and more. So I know first-hand how it feels to have health conditions that make it more difficult to experience life to the fullest.

With some effort, surrender and commitment to the process, I was able to find healing. Besides my personal experience, I approach healing using a combination of my training in physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and spiritual areas.

I have a B.A. in practical theology and ministry from Azusa Pacific University where I studied ministry, preaching, teaching, and counseling. I later went to the Natural Healing Institute of Naturopathy to get certified as a Holistic Health Practitioner, which includes certification as a Nutrition Consultant, Clinical Master Herbalist, and Clinical Master Aromatherapist. 

Later I also became certified as an Emotion Code Practitioner with Discover Healing and a Craniosacral Fascial Therapist with Bodywork for Babies, Int. And I am currently studying to become a Biblical Naturopathic Doctor through Life Training Institute. I also had more than five years experience working in health care and behaviour therapy environments before starting SOZO Holistic Healing. 

I have worked with babies, children, teens, and adults, including special needs and gerontology settings. All this has been invaluable experience in working with clients one-on-one, assessing people as individuals and tailoring holistic strategies specifically for each client.

And then in 2021, I had my first baby...

I was always passionate about women's health because of my own health challenges, but becoming a mom opened my eyes to all the specific needs that MOMS have.

Besides the whole baby-making process, fertility, pregnancy, and breastfeeding, there is a whole process of putting your whole self back together during the postpartum recovery. It's estimated that it takes at least TWO YEARS before a woman is recovered after having a baby (physically but also mentally and emotionally).

Then there's also the added challenge of how do you keep yourself healthy in your daily life while also caring for your family? It takes putting the right strategies in place that probably look different than how you used to keep yourself healthy as a single person/married couple.

It's been an amazing blessing to be able to pass on everything I've learned to help other moms be their healthiest selves for themselves and for their families.

So what does SOZO mean?

Sozo is a Greek word which means to heal, to save, to be made whole. 

In the Bible, Jesus miraculously healed many people. He would encourage the people he healed by saying, “Your faith has healed you” or “Your faith has saved you.” The original Greek word for "healed" and "saved" in both these phrases is sozo.

I love how this idea of being healing in mind, body and spirit really encapsulates my goal when I work with people. I don't want to just give you some herbs and send you on your way, I want you to be able to feel healed down to your core!

But I'm not God, which is why this process involves asking God to guide the healing process and use me as the instrument for you to find your own sozo healing just like I found mine.

On the personal side, I was born and raised in the Philippines by missionary parents and now live in the San Gabriel Valley in Southern California. When I'm not working, I'm enjoying time with my amazing husband and two beautiful kids.

Book Your Discovery Call

And find out how you can be saved, healed and made whole!

We'll get together to figure out what areas of your mind, body and spirit need healing, and outline a strategy plan that you feel good about and fits you best.



(714) 386-8910


296 Allen Ave #3

Pasadena, CA 91106

Copyright © 2024. SOZO Holistic Healing

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