A group program for holistic healing in mind, body, and spirit,

made by a mom for moms.

The person I was 10 years ago wouldn't recognize me today.

Do any of these sound

like you?

I was constantly tired but somehow still had a hard time sleeping at night.

My face looked swollen and my skin looked beyond its years.

I had 30 lbs of extra weight.

I struggled with depression, anxiety, a mood disorder, self harm and considered suicide more than once.

I was diagnosed with PCOS, my periods were irregular and I was completely incapable of making it through the day without Midol.

I regularly got headaches and colds.

I didn't know it at the time but I had significant issues with my thyroid, adrenals, gut, liver, and hormones.

I gave up all the pharmaceuticals I was prescribed at different times because I didn't like the side effects or they weren't very effective.

I was a bit of a hot mess.

And then one day it was all too much and my body just sort of fell apart.

And that's when I started to rebuild

I changed the way I ate, healed my gut lining, and got my hormones better under control.

I removed toxins from the products I used and detoxed heavy metals, pathogens, and other toxins from my body.

My brain came out of its fog and I got more energy even though I don't drink caffeine on a regular basis.

I started to heal my internal organs and systems and lost all the toxic fat and bloating.

I rarely get sick, and when I do I usually recover in only a few days.

I became more confident and sociable and rewired my neural pathways to think more positively.

I found more peace in my spirit, letting go of a huge amount of past emotional baggage and trauma.

I let go of my anxious attachment and intimacy issues so I could have a loving relationship with an incredible husband.

I started addressing my family dysfunction and am breaking that cycle with my own children.

I changed the way I pray and cultivated a deeper relationship with God.

Some of these are still a work in progress if I'm being honest, because of how severe the damage was, but I know I'm continuing on a track toward full healing.

And why am I talking about myself so much?

Because too many times we settle for a version of ourselves that we believe is "just the way I am"

And I believed this for a long time!

But I wanted to share my story because even though maybe we don't have the exact same experiences or symptoms, I want you to believe that healing is just as possible for you!

There is no reason why you should have to settle for "that's just the way I am"

Hi, I'm Cayla!

I am a biblical naturopathic doctor and mom to 2 amazing 2 and under kids.

I specialize in holistic health for moms and I'm so passionate about moms living their best life so they can show up every day for their families as their best selves.

I'm so grateful for the degrees and certifications that helped to educate me intellectually on these issues.

But if I'm being real, despite everything I have learned from books, courses, and my own experience, I do have to give all the credit and the glory to God for bringing me through this health journey so far.

And I've come to realize that the only way to find true healing is to surrender to God as you know Him during this process and even during this program.

So this is what we're going to do:

You, me, God, and all the other wonderful women in this 9 month program are going to head down the path toward your own rebirth together.

We're going to do a fearless inventory so we clearly know exactly what we individually need to work on in our mind, body, and spirit.

We're going to go back to timeless health practices that are going to fit YOU as an individual for the rest of your life and not just follow a trend.

We're going to figure out what mindset blocks and bad habits have been holding you back from healing.

We're going to set up systems and strategies specially applicable for you as a busy mom, because it's one thing to know what you're supposed to do and a whole other thing to actually be able to put it into practice in your life.

And we're going to address healing from the inside out, because most health programs don't even think to cover spiritual health and how it affects the mind and body.

There's a Chinese proverb that says:

"To heal the family, start with the mother"

Let's start with you today, Mama.

So you can help heal your family tomorrow.

Sorry, Rebirth is currently closed, but to join the wait-list and get all the details when it opens back up, please enter your information below.

Thank you!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the program?

What is included in the program? 

-9 months access to everything in the program

-A self-paced private podcast full of valuable holistic health information that you can easily listen to at home or on the go

-A workbook download of reflection questions and action steps to guide you through your healing journey

-Daily unlimited access to the community for support and questions through a private Slack channel

-Weekly group meetings via Zoom for additional support and sharing (with replays available if you can't make it to the meeting)

How do I know if this program is right for me?

How do I know if this program is right for me? 

This program was designed for you if:

-You are a naturally minded mom

-You already have a basic understanding of holistic health (complete newcomers are welcome but may feel a little challenged to catch up as I don't discuss beginner information like basic nutrition)

-You have children still living in the home, especially smaller children, and you are looking for better ways to prioritize your own health while taking care of the needs of your family

-You recognize that health is interconnected between the mind, body and spirit. Physical health is affected by our mindset, stress, emotions, spirituality, etc.

-You have a relationship with God as you know Him and recognize Him as the ultimate Healer (in life and in this program), although you may or may not participate in church/organized religion (because I know that religious trauma unfortunately is a thing)

-You recognize that health experts are not YOU experts and feel empowered to help guide your own health journey through critical thinking, self-reflection, prayer and discernment

-You feel blocked from living a more holistic lifestyle because it feels like it takes too much time and effort and costs too much money

-You are feeling overwhelmed by all the mixed messages and trends around the holistic community and looking for clarity on what is best for YOU

-You have a deep desire to be healed from the inside out, and are willing to commit to the process, knowing that finding healing will give you a return on your investment for the rest of your life

What are your qualifications?

What are your qualifications? 

I am a biblical naturopathic doctor with certifications as a holistic health practitioner, clinical nutritionist, clinical herbalist, Emotion Code practitioner, craniosacral fascial therapist, clinical aromatherapist and training in other modalities such as Body Code, sclerology, parasitology, homeopathy, recreational therapy and more!

I also have a B.A. from the School of Practical Theology at Azusa Pacific University and have training in lay counseling, psychology, social service, studying and teaching the Bible, preaching and teaching.

I spent 4 years working in a skilled nursing facility and have some experience with Western health care. However, nothing in this program should be considered medical advice and is not designed to diagnose, treat, or give prescriptions for any medical conditions. I am not a medical doctor, psychiatrist/psychologist, or counselor. Please consult your care provider for medical questions.

Do you give refunds?

Do you give refunds? 

Because of the nature of the program, refunds are not possible for 2 main reasons.

1) Everything in the program is experiential and not a product that can be returned. You can't give back the information I provide or the conversations you have with other members in the group meetings or Slack channel.

2) Health needs to be a commitment you make to yourself, and you can only make progress if you are willing to be consistent for a period of time. By staying financially committed, I am helping you stay committed to your own healing journey until the end of the program.

What if I have health issues (physical, cognitive, or emotional) that are beyond the scope of the program to heal?

What if I have health issues (physical, cognitive, or emotional) that are beyond the scope of the program to heal? 

Healing is complex and often takes a team effort. I have areas of health that I specialize in, but I don't know everything.

For specific health conditions you may need to continue your own private sessions with a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, personal trainer, etc. I am happy to make referrals whenever I'm able to!

This program is designed to cover the general things, ways that just about everyone can improve their health in their mind, body and spirit. They are often the root causes of health issues and addressing them through this program may save you time and money in your individual sessions with others.

Outside of this program, I also offer 1:1 virtual sessions (or in-person if you live locally to me) for more specific health issues, although I only take a very limited number of people per month. Send me an email to cejohnson@sozoholistic for more details!

I'm a busy mom, will I have time for a program like this?

I'm a busy mom, will I have time for a program like this? 

I truly believe that we always have time for the things that are a priority to us.

More practically though, this program involves listening to podcast episodes and reflecting on questions, both of which can be done easily while driving your kids to activities or doing the dishes. If you want to spend more time journaling or doing other forms of self-reflection you can, but it's not required. There is no "homework" submitted, so you get to be very self guided in how you choose to make the program work best for you.

Everything that you learn through the program and your own reflection will build itself into your life, like any lifestyle or dietary changes. So those are things that you already spend time doing anyway.

And we also discuss systems and strategies aimed towards helping busy moms save time and money while applying these changes to their lives. So if anything, it may actually save you time in the long run!

What if I still have questions?

What if I still have more questions? 

No problem, I have more answers! Send me an email to or a DM on Instagram @SOZOHHP for any quick questions. You can also contact me either way to schedule a 30 minute phone/Zoom call if you want to chat more. Looking forward to hearing from you!



(714) 386-8910

296 Allen Ave #3

Pasadena, CA 91106

Copyright © 2024. SOZO Holistic Healing

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